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Zero new words and counting

December 11, 2006

Not a very productive weekend for me. Seeing as I have three wip’s on the go, you’d think I’d manage to squeeze out more than 200 new words. Fate obviously had some other ideas, and now its full steam ahead into the holiday season and less writing gets done all around. Part of me is frustrated that I couldn’t carve out a couple more hours to get a little more writing in. The other part feels guilty for thinking it such a bad thing that I wasn’t glued to the pc much in the last few days.

And then of course the whole thing is made worse by the fact that I married a man who adores to torment me to death. It doesn’t matter what it is, or if its just a bunch of BS, the man will make stuff up just to drive me insane. So naturally this weekend it was tormenting me about being addicted to e-mailing. Step one is always to admit you have a problem. I’ve been pretty clear about the fact I’m a wee bit compulsive with clicking th refresh button on my e-mail and blog hopping. *g* The good news, I’m not half as bad as I used to be. Naturally the more I tried to defend myself, the more my hubby would twist it all around until I was red faced and he was smiling. I’m such a sucker. We’ve been together since we were 17 and its very sad that years later he’s still pulling the same stunts to get a rise out of me. *sigh*

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Cherie permalink
    December 11, 2006 7:29 pm

    Don’t feel so bad Sydney. I believe we all can say that there are not enough hours in the day to get things done, especially during the holidays. This year I also have a 2 month old girl added to make things even more hectic by depriving us of sleep. Hang in there. January is just around the corner.

    Cherie J

  2. Sydney permalink
    December 12, 2006 3:15 am

    Sleep deprivation… Now that is something I can relate to. When my boys were that age there were sooo many nights when it seemed the second I laid back down and closed my eyes, there was more fussying for something. Wait, there are still plenty of nights like that now. LOL

  3. Pam P. permalink
    December 12, 2006 8:25 am

    If you’re an easy mark, Syd, he’ll be tormenting you for many more years to come! LOL

  4. Sydney permalink
    December 21, 2006 1:13 pm

    When it comes to him, I have sucker written all over me.LOL

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